Antarctica FAQ

We have answered the most common Antarctica FAQ below. However, if you have any other questions, please feel free to call us at 1-888-268-9753 or email us at

When is the best time to travel to Antarctica?

Antarctica is only accessible by tourists from November to March, when the pack ice has broken up, and the 20 hours of sunlight per day brings warmer temperatures.

What are the best places to visit in Antarctica?

The best places to visit in Antarctica are the Antarctic Peninsula, the South Shetland Islands, the Weddell Sea, South Georgia Island, and the Falkland Islands.

What are the passport/visa requirements for American and other citizens traveling to Antarctica?

Since all tours to Antarctica originate in other countries (Chile or Argentina), travelers will need to adhere to the passport/visa requirements of the country of departure and/or disembarkation.

What vaccinations are required for travel to Antarctica?

Since all tours to Antarctica originate in other countries (Chile or Argentina), travelers will need to adhere to the vaccination requirements of the country of departure and/or disembarkation.

What activities are available during the cruises that you offer?

Depending upon the ship, in addition to wildlife viewing and hiking, the following activities may be available: camping, SCUBA diving, sea kayaking, mountaineering, photo workshop, and snowshoeing.

Antarctica Travel Guide

Antarctica Tours & Cruises / Antarctica Weather / Antarctic Treaty General Guidelines / Antarctica Blog Posts

Antarctica Cruise Ships

Greg Mortimer / Hondius / Le Boreal / Magellan Explorer / Ocean Nova / Ortelius / Plancius / Sylvia Earle / Ushuaia

Top Antarctica Wildlife

Adelie Penguin / Chinstrap Penguin / Emperor Penguin / Gentoo Penguin / Macaroni Penguin / Crabeater Seal / Elephant Seal / Fur Seal / Leopard Seal / Ross Seal / Weddell Seal / Blue Whale / Fin Whale / Humpback Whale / Killer Whale / Minke Whale / Right Whale / Sei Whale / Sperm Whale

Top Antarctica Travel Destinations

The Antarctic Peninsula / The South Shetland Islands / The Weddell Sea / South Georgia Island / The Falkland Islands

FAQ for Other Countries

Argentina FAQ / Chile FAQ

Have Questions? Call 1-888-268-9753 to Speak to An Expert.